St. Libory Grain Elevator Surrenders License

Union Grain in St Libory
Union Grain in St Libory

(St. Libory, NE) - On April 2, 2024, Union Grain Company voluntarily surrendered its grain warehouse license to the Nebraska Public Service Commission. On Wednesday during a meeting in Lincoln, the Commission found that Union Grain Company’s warehouse should be closed following the surrender of its license. Furthermore, the Commission finds that it should take title to all grain in storage as of the date of this order in trust for distribution on a pro rata basis to all valid owners, depositors or storers of grain who are holders of evidence of ownership of grain.

The Commission finds that all individuals holding evidence of ownership of grain previously warehoused by Union Grain Company are required to submit a claim form to the Commission before any grain or proceeds from the sale of grain will be distributed. The Commission will then make available the claim form to be completed and returned to the Commission. Once the Commission has confirmed receipt of the claim form, and it has been filled out to the satisfaction of the Commission, the Commission will contact the claimant to discuss the distribution of its grain based on the approved claim. 

The Nebraska PSC later on the topic made it known in their meeting that Union Grain Company's warehouse is closed. 

In a statement from Commission Chair Dan Watermeier on the surrendering of Grain Warehouse License GW-340. “The PSC Grain Department has worked closely with Union Grain Company (GW-340), regarding its grain warehouse license,” said Commission Chair Dan Watermeier. “With Union Grain voluntarily surrendering its license, the Commission will now work directly with producers who have grain stored at the facility.”

Yesterday was not the first in counter with Union Grain and the PSC. In July of 2022, the PSC let go a complaint of a claimed violation of the Grain Warehouse Act